Hi! It’s impossible to comment on my blog

  • Good day. I am fairly new to blogging and wordpress and I sit with a problematic comment section. People can’t seem to get to comment on my blog posts. I asked my friend to check it out and leave a comment, but he says he forst needs to get an account on wordlress to do this. How can I manage so that people can comment without first signing up with a wordpress account? Basically, I just want people to comment on my blog without signing in and such. Just a simple name ans comment. That’s all. I appreciate your time for reading my query.

    WP.com: Yes
    Correct account: Yes

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    he says he forst needs to get an account on wordlress to do this

    Your site is set up so that they don’t have to have a WordPress account to comment. It will ask for an email and name:https://principlepsychology.wordpress.com/wp-admin/options-discussion.php

    It will only ask them to log in if they already have an account with us.

    Does that help? Are you able to test with an email address that isn’t registered here?

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