Hey, guys! There really is such a month as December, you know. You left it off y

  • Hey, guys! There really is such a month as December, you know. You left it off your NEW “Stats” page.
    Go back to the old format, please. This new one has way too many problems.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • I’m seeing December in my stats. Can you take a screenshot of the issue you’re having and upload it to your Media Library?

  • I see December there now, too, on my OLD format. However, my problem had to do with the NEW format; working off the “Blog Posts” page; but I just now checked it out, too, and can see December included there. All I can figure is that either I had a temporary glitch in my blog site setup or one of your colleagues corrected it before you came to it.
    I have experienced similar glitches in other parts of the program, although not presently; for instance, and most typically, more visitors than views. I am aware that the visitor count lags behind the view count, but not vice versa, and that miscount never corrected itself. But that is no longer any big deal, since after nearly two and a half years I no longer keep any kind of record.
    I really do appreciate your investigating my issue.
    Have a good day (or night) wherever you are.
    Bob Litton

  • I have experienced similar glitches in other parts of the program, although not presently; for instance, and most typically, more visitors than views. I am aware that the visitor count lags behind the view count, but not vice versa, and that miscount never corrected itself. \

    This is actually pretty common. A single visitor can view many different pages on your site, causing us to record many views, but one visitor. In general, our stats don’t update in real time, but I usually see them fully updated within about 24 hours.

    Please let me know if there’s more that I can help with! :)

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