Hestia big title background image not showing

  • I have 2 problems.
    1, Hestia front page – big title section background image stop showing. it will show on admin page but when you go online it doesnt update anymore and only very background image will show. I had it checked by my host but I was told to contact theme support as it wasnt host side error.
    This is the test site I’m building now.

    2, nd problem is the front page – background is not responsive to mobile device. I have also checked by my host but again its not host side error and I was told to contact theme support. I had tried adding css such as

    (max-width: 480px) {
    .header-filter {
    background-size: contain;
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    but nothing seems to work.
    This is how you see on mobile devices and other devices.
    I have changed the background image as portrait image which suits mobile devices, but still shows the same image on mobile.

    I have udated to the latest hestia and wordpress versions.
    I have added a few plug in which might interrupt and stop from working?
    Please help.

  • Hi there,

    I checked your site and it appears you’re in the wrong forum. Although your site is connected to WordPress.com via Jetpack, it is using the open source WordPress.org software and you need to seek help at these forums:


    These forums are for WordPress.com hosted sites only. Since we do not have access to self-hosted WordPress.org sites, we are unable to provide any direct assistance to your issue. I would reach out to your site host for help.

    If you want to know more about the differences between WordPress.com and WordPress.org you can read this document:

    WordPress.com vs. WordPress.org


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