Helping a reader unsubscribe

  • I received a request via my “Contact” form to remove someone from “my” email list. I discovered that I cannot do that. It is pretty embarrassing to have to email someone who wanted to receive no further emails to explain that he will have to unsubscribe from the link at the bottom of the next email which he will ALSO not want to receive. Have I missed a way to stop spamming people? Thanks for any wisdom.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • You followers control their subscriptions. You don’t.

    Followers control whether or not they read new posts blogs they follow in their Reader or receive posts by email. They also control the frequency they receive posts by email from blogs they follow.

    1. They can click the “unsubscribe” link on the emails of the post they receive.
    2. Or they can go here >!/read/edit/ and locate this:
    “Get new posts by email” in the dropdown they have these choices:
    3. They can also click the “x” next to any blog there to unfollow it and no longer receive posts in their Reader or by email.

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