Help with widget to update links – RSS?

  • I don’t know if RSS widget is the right tool. Here’s what I’m trying to do: main blog is Other blogs: and Can I use a widget to auto-update the main blog whenever I post on the others? Thus far have been manually using text widget, but this seems like something a better geek would have figured out how to do more efficiently, yes?

    Thanks. Support just said use RSS but I’m not sure how to do that. Any step by step guides here you could refer me to?

  • Do you want those posts to show up in the main blog or in the sidebar?

    If you just want them in the sidebar, use the RSS widget. If you want them in the blog itself, you’ll have to manually post.

  • Can I use a widget to auto-update the main blog whenever I post on the others?

    No, not to put content in the blog itself. An RSS widget will show the titles of latest posts on your other blogs and allow people to subscribe to them, that’s it.

    If you’re trying to automatically cross-post everything between three blogs, be aware that search engines will downgrade you to the pit of Hell for doing that. They hate it and see it as gaming the system.

  • Thanks for your quick response! Can I ask you to look at my main blog and the sidebar to see what I’m doing. Is that killing me in terms of search engine ranking?

  • What I’ve done (and I really hope this isn’t considered gaming the system after reading what Raincoaster posted) is that I tag all posts, regardless of what blog, with my username. Then I place the feed for that tag (my username) into the RSS feed widget. This way it automatically updates postings across all blogs.

  • Stuff in the RSS widget doesn’t hurt you in terms of SEO. Just blog content duplication, in the blog itself.

  • Thanks, that’s good to know :P

  • Jacqueline, I took a look and nothing I can see is a problem. Nice-looking blog, btw.

  • Thanks everyone. Sorry to be dense. So – the net is this:
    – there is a way to use the RSS widget to have the links to new posts auto-load on my main blog.
    – I can tag my entries with my own name too, that will not hurt me and might help me
    – and when I try to use the RSS widget and it says “feed for blog” I just type the URL?

    Glad you like the blog Raincoaster. Diamondfistwerny thanks for tagging tip.

  • No, there is no way to use the RSS widget to have the links to the new posts autoload IN the blog. Only the titles, in the sidebar.

    You can tag all the posts with your name but I know of at least one case where a blog was completely eliminated from the Global tag pages for doing this. This will hurt you severely.

    Where it says feed for blog, you must put the FEED address, not the blog address. For blogs, that is the URL of the blog with /feed on the end.

  • I didn’t realize it was an issue. I’m not gonna do it anymore. Just thought it was a good way to aggregate for feeds. But I don’t want to be penalized. Ignore my tip jacqueline!

  • Well, if you’re IN the global tag pages, you haven’t been penalized. I have a raincoaster tag as well, and I use that when I blog about myself, but not on every single post.

    You should presumably be able to get an author feed, that’s GOT to be how the author widget works, so that would automatically provide all this info. Try that instead.

  • I just got the sidebar RSS thing working. Then, I realized that my freakin’ magazine includes other people’s posts as well as mine so I want to eliminate and add them manually.

    However, now the “edit” function on the widget has disappeared.

  • I just got the sidebar RSS thing working. Then, I realized that my freakin’ magazine includes other people’s posts as well as mine so I want to eliminate and add them manually.

    However, now the “edit” function on the widget has disappeared.argh!

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