Help with verifying with Google Apps :(

  • Hey guys,
    I have been going through a nightmare trying to verify google apps (for gmail email that I have paid extra for) to my wordpress site.
    I bought a domain and its all up and running – however I think I messed up somewhere along the way while trying to add the DNS.

    All the wordpress and google articles say to copy the text from the TXT box that Google webmaster page gives you and to leave the first box of the ‘add DNS’ section on WordPress empty – however you can’t add the TXT file without having something written there, I guess it serves as a label? So I just wrote something there to fill the space. Does that affect it in any way?

    Also – is it enough to just add the TXT file? is that all I have to do?

    Any help would be appreciated as G.Webmaster is still saying I am unverified.


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Here’s the link to the relevant support doc

    Email via Google Apps
    If you’ve got a custom domain pointing to your blog, you may choose to set up email so that you can receive mail at (email visible only to moderators and staff). We have instructions on how you can do that with Google Apps.

  • Thank you :) but it still says

    “Choose TXT from the dropdown menu, leave the next box blank, and in the last box paste in the code you copied in step 6 above. It should look like this example”

    But i cannot leave the next box blank, it goes red and demands a ‘Name’ – what goes in there?

  • (email visible only to moderators and staff)

  • Sorry but I don’t know because I don’t use Google apps.

    Hopefully, another Volunteer who does use Google apps will assist you. In case that does not happen I tagged this thread with modlook for Staff assistance. Please subscribe to it so you are notified when they respond. To subscribe look in the sidebar of this thread, find the subscribe to topics link and click it.

  • It says ‘invalid name’

    I go to DNS RECORDS
    The dropdown menu I select TXT
    The next box is called Name and gives the example “”
    The third box is for the script.

    Or am I seeing a totally different set up here?

  • I think your DNS is set up correctly now.

    But backing up a bit, when you purchased the Google Apps, did you receive an email from with your temporary password and a link to log into your Google Apps account?

    If you didn’t see it, please try to find it – it could be in a junk or spam folder somewhere. If you still can’t find it, do a global search for the terms or google apps in your email.

    That email contains a link to accept the Google terms of service, which needs to be accepted before your account will be verified.

    Can you try and find that email and accept the Terms of Service?

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