Help with the entrys and main menu

  • Im working on my blog, still pretty basic and im using the theme Colinear.

    On the top header menu i have 5 topics, for example (these are not my topics , but just to be simple with the example i will say it like is a blog of NEWS)


    So, i can put subtopics right? like in SPORTS:

    Im putting some post and i want them to show it in the topic or subtopic where they belong, but its not happening, All the post are being displayed in the topic HOME.

    So what i did was: i attached the post to one of the main topics in the menu pressing ” add menu item to children ” , The problem is that now they display like a SUBTOPIC, not just like a post if you press the MAIN TOPIC where the post belong.

    Example: if i put a post of “MANCHESTER WON 1-0 TO CHELSEA”, that post is show like a subtopic of SPORTS, and its not just display in the subtopic FOOTBALL

    There are many post that i want to put, so that’s why y don’t want them to show like subtopics or it will be a mess, and neither to show everything in the topic HOME, i want something different in every topic

    I don’t know if i can’t to this because of the Theme that i chose, or its because it is a free website or what

    Bueno, la cosa es que no se si es tema de la plantilla que no me deja hacerlo así, o de q no es pagada la web, porque tengo ene entradas que publica y seria horrible si publico nosepo 30 entradas y hay q ir bajando y bajando pa encontrar una cuando uno busca algo especifico.
    entonces eso me tiene complicá

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi,

    All the post are being displayed in the topic HOME.

    That’s normal.

    Im putting some post and i want them to show it in the topic or subtopic where they belong, but its not happening…

    Under no circumstances will links to posts be added to the custom menu automatically. Each menu item in a custom menu must be added “manually.”
    However, you might consider changing your menu categories from static pages to category and subcategory pages. Each category page is dynamic and will display every post assigned to the specified category. See the Category Pages support page.

    Example: if i put a post of “MANCHESTER WON 1-0 TO CHELSEA”, that post is show like a subtopic of SPORTS, and its not just display in the subtopic FOOTBALL

    You may find the drag and drop option of setting a category as a subcategory of another as described in the Organize Your Menu section of the Custom Menus support page, where it is says:

    You can also add a drop-down to your menu using the drag-and-drop feature.

    1. Add the link to your menu that will appear in a drop-down list.
    2. Drag it and drop it directly beneath the main menu item you want it to be found under.
    3. Drag it again, this time to the right, so it indents beneath the main menu item, and drop it there.

    I don’t know if i can’t to this because of the Theme that i chose, or its because it is a free website or what

    The chosen theme is fine for achieving your stated goal. You may set subcategories and sub-subcategories in the menu as described in the Organize Your Menu section of the Custom Menus support Page.

    and neither to show everything in the topic HOME, i want something different in every topic

    The posts page, regardless of its title (Início, Home, Blog, Posts, etc.), will display all posts be default. It might be possible with CSS customization to hide selected posts from the page. However, it is unnecessary to display the posts page at all. If you prefer to display posts only by categories and subcategories, then assign one or more categories to each post and display theme on the automatically generated category pages, adding links to the category and subcategory pages to the custom menu.

  • Correction…
    I meant to say:

    You may find the drag and drop option of setting a category as a child or subcategory of another as described in the Organize Your Menu section of the Custom Menus support page easier to follow, where it says…

  • and neither to show everything in the topic HOME, i want something different in every topic

    Your front page presently is set to display your latest posts. You may change the number of posts to display per page, but if you do so then at the bottom of the front page will appear an “Older Posts” (or similar words) link that loads the second page of posts. Another “Older Posts” link will appear at the bottom of the second page, and so forth.

    The alternative to displaying the latest posts on the front page is to display a static page. If you’re interested in that option, then see the Set a Static “Home” Page (Front Page) support page for information and instructions.

  • Thank you soooo much ! i will look in the sections that you said, it will be a bit difficult cause its in english and im a spanish speaker ,do you know how can i change the instructions to spanish ??

  • You’re welcome!

    do you know how can i change the instructions to spanish ??

    You may copy and paste them into the left box at Google Translate, and then choose Spanish as the language to translate into. There are other free translating tools available which you may find in a search at Google or another search engine.

    Alternatively, you may resubmit your questions to the Spanish language support forums, here:

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