Help with taking payments

  • I’ve created a page where I want to sell a physical item, I have added the payment button, connected a Stripe account, then as instructed created a new page with a form to capture relevant customer information (shipping etc) that redirects to the product page.

    But how can I edit the payment button on the product page to go to the form?

    Currently when you click the payment button it brings up the payment pop-up, but also it says to complete the payment you’ll have to register with WordPress? Is this right?

    This is the page in question – Yes
    Jetpack: No
    Correct account: Yes

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • that’s exactly the resource I’ve been following that’s led me to this confusion. I’ve done all that, set up a form on a new page that redirects

  • Hi there,

    It sounds like you’ve set up most of the process correctly, but I understand the confusion with the payment button and the requirement for users to register with WordPress. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you resolve these issues:

    1. Editing the Payment Button to Redirect to the Form:
      • Instead of using the default payment button provided by Stripe, you might want to create a custom button that redirects users to your form page. You can do this by editing the HTML of your product page.
      • Here’s a basic example of how to create a custom button:htmlCopy code<a href="URL_OF_YOUR_FORM_PAGE" class="custom-button">Buy Now</a>
      • Replace URL_OF_YOUR_FORM_PAGE with the actual URL of the page where you capture customer information.
    2. Ensuring Smooth Payment Process:
      • Once the customer fills out the form and is redirected back to the product page, they can proceed with the payment. You can include the Stripe payment button on this redirected product page.
      • To avoid the WordPress registration requirement, ensure that your payment settings in Stripe do not require any additional authentication steps from WordPress.
    3. Addressing the WordPress Registration Requirement:
      • This registration prompt usually appears if the site settings require user accounts for purchases. You can change this setting in your WordPress dashboard.
      • Go to Settings -> General, and look for the option labeled “Membership: Anyone can register.” Ensure this is unchecked if you don’t want users to have to register to complete a purchase.

    If you’re still encountering issues, you might want to check your Stripe settings or consider using a plugin that better integrates e-commerce functionalities without requiring user registration.

    Hope this helps! Feel free to reach out if you have any more questions.

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