Help with explaining my stats

  • Today I had 130 views and 22 visitors, but how does number of referrers add up (today it’s 48)?

    If I didn’t get it wrong – number of visitors is number of people who opened my blog, but they may have clicked on more than one post and, for example, create 5 views.

    Also, I found some information about how new visitor is every new browser in given period of time – does that mean that some people, lets say frequent readers – automatically go into “views” stats but not the “visitors” one?

    I’ve tried to write a blog few times, but this time I really put a lot of time and effort into it so stats are really nice feedback, but I just don’t get it anymore lol.

    Thank you in advance.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Our stats are page view stats. If I visit your blog and click into 10 posts that will be recorded as 1 visitor and 10 page views. But please do not assume that everyone who clicks a follow, like, share, reblog or comment link actually reads the post on your blog because odds are they may not.

    Follow, like, share, reblog or comment clicks are not page views. In fact, follows, likes, shares, comments and reblogs are completely misleading when you are talking about page view stats. That is because your followers and anyone with a account who is logged into can “follow” your blog, “like”, “share” and “reblog” your posts and “comment” in several locations such as the Reader, without ever clicking into your blog and creating a single page view stat. Subscribers control how frequently they receive your posts (instantly, daily, weekly) and can comment without clicking into the blog.

    Logged in members can read full posts in the wordpress.COM Reader now, so there is no incentive for them to click into your site.

  • This is going to sound so lame I know, but I don’t have any followers and so far no likes/comments/shares, so that part is really not important for me right now.

    I’m more interested in “views vs visitors vs referrers” stats that I asked about :).

  • If this Views and Visitors support doc does not answer your question or this one then you can type modlook into the sidebar tags on this thread for a Staff follow-up. How do I get a Moderator/Staff reply for my question? Also subscribe to this thread so you are notified when they respond and be patient while waiting. To subscribe look in the sidebar of this thread, find the subscribe to topics link and click it.

  • Thank you for the links. :)
    I’ve read them before and now again and still don’t get why I have so many referrers and so little visitors…

    Thank you for showing me how to call mods and I already subscribed to this thread so that I don’t miss anything.

  • Hi there,

    If the same person kept clicking on various links to your site on each click would have counted as a referral, but if that person already had your site open in a tab in their browser our system would have seen all additional tabs being opened by the same person as part of the same session. Thus the visitor count won’t increase, as it’s still the same visitor, but the referral count and the view count would increase.

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