Help with Categories and Circles in Spun Theme

  • Hi there,

    I’m a complete newbie and need some help.

    I’m creating an online portfolio using the Spun theme. From other threads, I’ve gathered to get what I’m looking for, I need to use categories.

    I’ve been fiddling around for a while and have kind of gotten the hang of it all, but I have no idea which of the following is easily accessible from a setting or if it would require code.

    The site needs the following:

    Home page containing circles that link to top level categories (i.e. bake, paint, draw, etc).
    Each category circle links to a page with circles of sub-categories of the top-level one (i.e. bake contains cakes, cupcakes, cookies, etc).
    Each sub-category circle links to a page containing all posts relating only to the sub-category. (i.e. cakes would contain all the posts I filed under cakes)

    In addition to that, it would be ideal if each of the top-and-sub-level category circles were able to display an image with text rather than just the grey circle with text.

    I definitely want to have all circles in greyscale and have them change to colout when hovered over.

    I have a free WordPress account and do not have the funds to upgrade, so I’m not sure how much of the above is limited by my account type.

    I’d appreciate any and all help possible!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Home page containing circles that link to top level categories (i.e. bake, paint, draw, etc).

    There is not a way to do this in an automated way at The circles in the Spun theme at are designed to link to posts and that’s not something you can change even with the Custom Design upgrade which would give you access to add CSS to modify the look of existing elements on the page but does not give you the option to change the underlying functionality of the theme, such as changing how the circles are linked.

    However, you could do this manually — it would be a bit of a trick. You could use a static front page (like the home page you have now) and add some circle images manually to the post and link them out to the proper categories as you see fit.

    Each category circle links to a page with circles of sub-categories of the top-level one (i.e. bake contains cakes, cupcakes, cookies, etc).

    Same thing here. You could do it manually.

    Each sub-category circle links to a page containing all posts relating only to the sub-category. (i.e. cakes would contain all the posts I filed under cakes)
    In addition to that, it would be ideal if each of the top-and-sub-level category circles were able to display an image with text rather than just the grey circle with text.

    I see that you have some very specific ideas for how you’d like that to work. In order to change the theme that much, it would require switching to a setup with your own separate web hosting account and creating custom code. It would take some work.

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