Help with area for sign in to comment

  • I picked my template to use, which I really love and have most everything set up except
    … when my first poster wants to sign in, there is not a simple place to put an e-mail address, user name, etc.. to get an account. Obviously, it needs to be as simple as possible. Some of the other templates have a place to do this – can I add this to my site under each area for comment or do I need to pick a new template, which I really don’t want to do.

    The WordPress sign in comes up, but doesn’t give you an option if you are a new user.


  • Actually you’re getting that becuase you have the option that your comments need to be logged in to make a comment. Dashboard -> Options -> Reading or General to change it. Turn that off and your visitors will get the form you’re looking for.

    Hope this helps,

  • Dr. Mike, you are right, and with a simple little click to remove that check – voila! A miracle occured :)


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