Help with Accessing My Newly Created WordPress Web / Blog Site

  • Last week I created a FREE Website titled “https://mabuhay/“. Once I had completed setting up my site I went live, publising an “About Page” and then followed by typing and posting 4-posts on my Website.

    Then this past Sunday, we had a massive power failure and this was followed by a massive internet failure (here in our part of the Philippines) and, then the internet started working correctly last night…with the excption, that I can’t log into my WordPress Website (even if I have the correct password that I created and have saved with my BitWarden Password Manager AND a Cheatsheet that I have with a Word Document, in case BitWarden isn’t working properly!) Whenever I try to do a recovery, I am told that my WordPress Website either doesn’t exist or please create a new WordPress Website!!!

    So, can someone please, please help me gain access to my Website, as I have numerous posts to publish and my Website is linked to a Facebook Page with the same name!

    Thanking you ahead of time.


    American Veteran

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • The power failure has nothing to do with the fact you can’t login to one of your sites.

    https://mabuhay/ doesn’t excist; but I see you created two other sites and

    To restore access to one of both sites, you can use the Activation URL or key you received when you set up those sites –

  • Unsure why it states under my signature block about, “the blog I need help with is “Mabuhay” as that is totally incorrect, as the Website that I have and referred to in my message preceding this entry, is: https://mabuhay/ and for some unknown reason on my Profile, it’s listed as: mabuhaywelcomeusveteranstothephilippines616d39aea8

    So, hopefully this will get straight this time, as I am at the end of my rope and, have no where to turn to next!

    Thanking you ahead of time.


    American Veteran

  • Hi Ahmed here,
    I have been working as a wordpress site developer for quite sometime now.
    issue you have mentioned is quite interesting.

    The link you have provided isnt working.
    However , this link ,
    is working just fine. means your site is up and live for sure.

    1. can you try logging in to through this link: and see if you can log in?

    2. if that link isn’t helping , how about reseting a new password and trying log in again?

  • please read my answer again and do as I told you to do.

  • staartmees:

    Thanks for getting back with me NOT once but Twice, as I appreciate you taking the time to get back with me: In regards to what you mentioned in your response below, I have followed your instructions explicitly…yet, still what you provided doesn’t work. I even tried resetting the password multiple times and that too doesn’t work. (NOTE: I initially created in May 2020 and that site worked just fine until a couple of weeks ago, when I continued trying to enter my password that I created and still no success. Hence, that is why I created which worked just fine last week too. Additionally, I leave me WordPress Website open all the time in my internet browser, as I am afraid that I won’t be able to sign back in…which of course, I now can’t sign in. Also, when I went live last week with, there was no Activation URL or Key provided to me when I created this latest FREE Site and believe me, I AM A PACKRAT (known for keeping copies of everything as I use a Password Manager and also have a Word Document saved with ALL of my sign-in information for the various websites that I use daily along with passwords!).

    So, any other suggestions that you may have, will be very much appreciated.

    Thanking You Ahead of Time!


    American Veteran

  • rafsanahmed02:

    You mentioned, and I quote “this link”: is working just fine. means your site is up and live for sure”.

    Additionally, you mentioned and I quote, “1. Can you try logging in to through this link: and see if you can log in?” end of quote.  NO, I tried what you mentioned as it takes me to a page titled “ (which I have visited numerous times) and the title on that page is: “Bloganuary”. 2. You mentioned and I quote “try resetting the password” end of quote AND I have tried numerous times with the password that I created (which is saved on a Word Cheat Document with everything that I have done with creating my WP Website and also on my BitWarden Password Manager) and that too doesn’t work!!

    Thanking you ahead of time.


    American Veteran

  • staartmees:

    By the way, when trying to sign in with the correct email account that I previously mentioned and password, I am getting this response: “Create your first site“, which is quite shocking, as I already have a FREE Website titled and fully expected to be taken to a page where I could enter the password that I created (and, as mentioned, that is saved on my Password Manager and on my Word Cheat Sheet with numerous passwords for the different websites that I visit whenever the need arises.

    Thanking you ahead of time.


    American Veteran

  • Let’s wait untill a Staff member is available to unravel things.

  • staartmees

    Thanks for your response!

    Hopefully a staff member can figure out what is going on. When I initially created my first site back in May 2020, I could just enter my password, to gain access to my WP Account and now it seems that something has changed, as it certainly isn’t like it was when WP was so much simpler to deal with. (NOTE: When I honorably served in the U.S. Air Force for more than 20-years, it had always been stated, and I quote: “If it isn’t broken, then why try to make changes to improve everything!” end of quote.)

    Another thing that doesn’t make any sense to me, is that I set up a Facebook Account that identically matches the WP Website Account (which are linked together) and, when I get an email response from yourself (sent from my Account set up for WP Emails… they are being delivered to my personal Hotmail Account (which of course has a different password). Thus, this too is quite weird as well…as this would mean that I possibly didn’t have to set up a new Outlook Email Account to receive emails that I send out to WP (fully expecting to receive emails back from whomever that I sent emails out to at WP) and yet, don’t receive incoming emails from yourself nor WP either, as they are all arriving in my Account!

    So, I will patiently wait for this issue to be resolved.

    Thanking you ahead of time.


    American Veteran

  • staartmees / rafsanahmed02:

    This may come as a surprise to you as it was to me!

    Since I couldn’t sign in with the Password that I created with my latest WP Web / Blog Site and the email address that is associated with, I thought that since all the messages that are being sent from both of yourselves to the Email Site (which has always been meant for my personal emails), I then thought, why not try to use the Site with the same password that I created for this same email site, to log into my WP Web / Blog Site and, voila, I was able to enter into my WP Web / Blog Site that I created last week. Unsure how this happened, as I specifically saved everything with the and password on my cheat sheet when I specifically created ““.

    So, I am now thinking of transferring all WP Emails that I have saved with the Email Site to the Email Site but, unsure if I should delete the Email Site at this time…thinking that I will wait a little while to see if something occurs down the road, leading me to where I once was.

    So, let’s consider this issue solved for now. However, I will leave this open to yourselves to see if you may wish to comment before I close everything down.

    Thanking you ahead of time.


    American Veteran

  • Ok, this issue is now officially closed.

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