Help Urgently Needed To Configure Twitter Timeline To Blog

  • Is there anyone at the support section of WordPress?

    We’ve been trying to get help with an issue affecting our Blog ( and have come up against a blank wall, and contact pages that are not displaying correctly. Not very encouraging. It matters a lot to us as we are an activist network focusing on Tibet and human rights, so anything that redfuces the effectiveness of our communication is important.

    Having recently changed themes to InterGalactic 2 (which is looking good) we noticed that our Twitter timeline, which had been displaying when we first activated the theme, is now not displaying. We tried configuring the widget, using both ‘Profile’ and Widget ID but still no timeline, despite the widget being set up on our Twitter account. In addition we revisited the WordPress video tutorial on configuring Twitter time to a Blog, followed the steps carefully and still no timeline displaying!

    Can anyone help? Thanks

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

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