Help! Site Speed Mystery

  • Hey peeps,

    I have a limited budget and limited wp knowledge. I paid a developer to speed up the site and was left with 9 extra plugins! I’ve been clearing up the site since but cannot get my head around my gtmetrix load time and the developer has took the money and run :(

    (stop on load GTmetrix test)
    Page speed: A
    YSlow: B
    Page size: 744kb
    Requests: 29
    Load time: ……..9.7 seconds

    It was running at 3, I just can’t for the life of me figure this out. I checked the waterfall times and 2.49s & 5.52s are spent on the initial GET webpage. I know its a long shot, but if anyone can point me in the right direction I’d really appreciate it. It only seems to affect the homepage where I need most traffic to go, the other pages have crappy speeds but not this bad. The hosting company have told me the server is performing fine and theres no bottlenecks.


  • Hello,
    I am sorry but unless or until you provide the exact URL of the site you refer to starting with http:// we cannot provide any accurate answers to your questions. Please post it now.
    Thanks a lot.


    I’ve actually found the issue, not sure of a fix. If someone searches for the time is being spent on converting it from http to https. What do I need to do to make it just as fast when using http? Sorry if these are basic questions.

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