Help setting up DKIM

  • Because of the sign limit of 192 I can’t succeed in adding this code. Can anyone help with this?

    Thank you very much in advance :-)

    Kind regards,


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • We can help you with this. I’ll send you a private e-mail so you can send me the code and details of what you need and we’ll add it for you.

  • Hi, Pieter. We’ve added that DNS record. Once DNS has had time to propagate, just let us know if you see any further problems with it. Thanks!

  • Thank you, I don’t no how long it should take, can’t see any differences yet.

  • Hi DLLH,

    The software still doesn’t recognize the DKIM.

    Would you be so kind to check it? Thank you very much!

    Kind regards,


  • Hi there,

    I just verified that the DKIM are in place. You can test yourself using Terminal. If you open it up and run the following command, you’ll see your DKIM:

    dig txt +short

    You may want to double check to ensure that it’s the correct domain key that you gave us, but it should work for you!

  • Hi, I assume the code is correct, as far as I can interpret it right and the backslashes in the beginning belong there.

    Still the software doesn’t accept it.

    One of your colleagues told me I don’t need DKIM because WP uses askimet. Is that so?

  • does indeed use Akismet, but DKIM works in a different way and so if you are concerned about verifying your identity when sending email in the fighting of spam (which is a lot of what DKIM does), then you will likely want to get these in place.

    At this point I would recommend reaching out to your email provider and seeing if they can see anything wrong with the setup.

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