Help! Possibly hacked?

  • Hi, my site has gone haywire. I installed a WooCommerce plug-in yesterday (allegedly WooCommerce) and started getting the white screen of death not long after. Every time I tried to sign into the backend of my site, white screen of death. I cleared browser history, did a hard shut down and resolved to deal with it in the morning.

    This morning, same thing. I finally went into cPanel and disabled all plug-ins. This time, when I tried to login to WP backend, it said the username/password combo was not valid. I checked my password on cPanel and it was 15 character gobbledygook that looked nothing like my password. So I changed it back. Tried to log in, no luck. When I checked cPanel again, my password is now a new series of numbers. From the GUI, I can’t change my password because I never get the auto-reset email from WordPress for the account tied to the website. Help!!!!

  • Still need help. My maintenance wall is down, there are things that are not ready to be public and I have zero control over my site. Please dear God, I need a human to help me resolve this!! This isn’t some hobby blog. This is a business site and it is not under my (the business owner’s) control to edit. I’ve changed the password in cPanel and still cannot access admin! It’s as if the whole thing has been hijacked or WordPress no longer has my original username connected to my site. Please help. Is there a phone number or email, or something????

  • Hello, I’m sorry to hear that you are having trouble with your website. However, your site is not hosted with It is a site using the open-source WordPress software (from but hosted elsewhere.

    Because and are two entirely separate entities, we cannot access files or data for sites that are hosted elsewhere, so staff can only assist with sites that are hosted on our servers. You can find more information here about the differences between software and

    And, since the site is not using our security product we are unable to directly assist with this. is a great resource for sites using the open source software, and you can find support for that at:

    With that said, carefully follow this guide. When you’re done, you may want to implement some (if not all) of the recommended security measures and start backing up your site.

    Your hosting provider’s support team may also be able to assist.

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