Help! Need to verify DNS for use of Office 365 ASAP. WordPress not responding.

  • Is adding the MX records one avenue to resolve to our email issue? To finish setting up office 365 we still need either an IP address or a fully qualified domain name. Will one of the IP addresses you sent us suffice?

  • Setting the MX record on will resolve the e-mail issue. The IP Address or FQDN for Office 365, honestly, isn’t probably needed at all if you keep your nameservers set to If they do still require one, as far our side, it should work.


  • great, I will work on setting the MX records.
    thanks for all of your patient help!!

  • Anytime! I’m logging off for the evening, but will check in after the first sip of coffee in the morning. :-)

  • On the Office 365 troubleshooting page of my account it says
    The name server records are not correct
    Name server 1 currently points to: should point to:
    Name server 2 currently points to:
    Is this what needs to be changed on the domains page?
    I followed the prompts to find the DNS records in my Office 365 account and I am hesitant to enter these into the domains text box as I don’t know the correct format. My DNS records look like this:

    MX 0 @ 1 Hour
    CNAME – autodiscover 1 Hour
    CNAME – 1 Hour
    CNAME – 1 Hour
    CNAME 1 Hour
    TXT @ v=spf1 -all 1 Hour
    SRV _sipfederationtls _tcp 5061 1 100 1 Hour
    SRV _sip _tls 443 1 100 1 Hour
    which needs to be entered?

  • I added all but the last two (SRV) records, but will take care of those tomorrow. E-mail should begin to work within an hour or so.


  • Woah. THANK YOU!!!!!!!

  • No problem! I added the last two records, so your DNS here at matches what Office 365 wants.

    Thanks for your patience. While everyone tries to make this as easy as possible, the technical reality of networking and domain systems makes it a pain sometimes :-)

  • When trying to send myself an email at (email visible only to moderators and staff) i get a delivery notification saying “The email address you entered couldn’t be found.” Yikes : (

  • @kraftbj
    you out there? thank you for your work last night! but there seems to still be a big problem. is there more magic that you can work on your end? we don’t know what the F is going on. should we hire outside help to get us out of this mess? thank you.

  • I’ll send you an e-mail in a moment. If you could forward me the error message from sending the e-mail, I can let you know where the issue is—if old information is still cached and will naturally refresh itself shortly, if Office 365 is getting the e-mail but unsure of how to deliver it, or something else.

    I’ll send it to e-mail listed on your account. Thanks!

  • awesome, thanks so much. could this have anything to do with the fact we actually use Outlook and it was only on Thursday that I tried to set up an Office 365 account in order to link Outlook to our Insightly CRM? Our Office 365 isn’t actually set up yet…. trying to do that is what caused this whole mess in the first place.

  • just fyi- i haven’t received an email from you yet on the email listed on our account. (ie.

  • That’s likely it. The e-mail (with your domain) would have been sent to Office 365’s server. The MX records indicate what server handles mail for your account, so if there is no account setup for “kate” with your Office 365 account, that’s the cause for the error.

    Can you check your spam folder and your Social folder in Gmail. If you search from , it should be there.


  • cool. just replied to your email.

  • Yeah—the response there is from Office 365’s system. It lists a slightly modified address (kate @ yourdomain ., so I’d double-check where you sent it to just to be safe. The error message may simply not include the original address as well.

    My educated guess at this point is that it should work once the kate user account is setup on Office 365.

  • that makes sense. but in their “5 step plan” to set up the email, we are back to needing the IP address OR “a fully qualified domain name.” i don’t know which of the IP addresses to use. Or can you give me this “fully qualified domain name” that they want?

  • You can safely ignore that part of the plan.

    With domain names, one place has the nameservers that control all records for the domain name. Both Office 365 and want to be that place. In our case, the way we distribute your site, having control allows us to make those changes without ever bothering you or you even needing to be aware of it.

    You can give them one of the IP addresses provided. If the nameservers remain set to, it wouldn’t make a difference either way :-)


  • ok, i’ll try that and report back!

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