HELP My account hasn't worked for over a year. Profile and sites are blank.

  • My account hasn’t worked for almost a year now. I have contacted this forum last April and was simply told that it should be working, but it’s not, no matter how long I wait for my information to magically reappear. Something is very wrong and I can no longer function without it.

    The appearance of my three cites look okay from an outer perspective (though heavily under-updated because of my next point), but I can’t access to edit them. Grey bars appear where text should be. My profile appears blank and won’t let me add my information back to it. It says that it can’t load my sites and none of my information is shown.

    I need help. This should not be happening. It’s inexcusable. I need this website to function professionally. The service you supposedly provide is simply not being provided. I would like an answer this time, rather than being talked down to and shamed for needing assistance for something wrong on your end.

    Thank you so much. Please get back to me as soon as possible.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there, it doesn’t look like you ever replied to Staff in your earlier forum post at

    Please let us know what browser and operating system you are using to access WordPressdotcom (if you aren’t sure, copy and paste the info from ) and the addresses of all the WordPressdotcom sites involved. Once we know that we can go from there.

  • The topic ‘HELP My account hasn't worked for over a year. Profile and sites are blank.’ is closed to new replies.