Help Me Get Subscription Management Back on the Right Page

  • I honestly don’t know about anyone else, but every single time I log in and see something so fundamental to my long term WordPress experience be changed, yet again, I start to feel a deep rage and down right hatred towards the developers forcing all of said changes down our throats. I honestly don’t know if I’d rather cry or scream in anger sometimes when I log in and see something else moved elsewhere or made harder to find, let alone interact with and manipulate.

    Other times I just want to throw my hands in the iar and just walk away. Hence the rage and hatred sometimes.

    Sorry, I know the ranting doesn’t help, and I know plenty of folks have ranted before, will keep ranting, but the whole thing is just depressing sometimes.

    Well, that and being told that I’m going to love something when I’m not, and that something is more accessible, when it obviously isn’t.

    Once again, sorry. I just find myself saltier and more bitter with all of these changes as times move forward.

    But seriously, is there any way to make it so I can manage my subscriptions back in or are we stuck having to manage it from the reader like I was notified when I went to said page, trying to go back to work on managing my subscriptions from over ten years ago?

    I honestly hope that this can be done. Because having to manage subscriptions from the reader is already going to be a right pain in the backside, and an accessibility nightmare to boot.

    Honestly, my hat is off and my glass is in the air to the mods. I know my posts aren’t easy to deal with, but there are some major growing pains with the new wordpress, and I hate every second of it and likewise every single person who made it in the first place.

    Thank you to anyone who can help.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • You can still manage subscriptions at but you will need to be logged out of (note, this is different from the URL you posted)

  • But that doesn’t make any sense. How would I be able to edit the blogs I’m subscribed to if I’m logged out? It wouldn’t know the blogs I’m subscribed to if I’m not logged in. I wouldn’t be in my account if I was logged out.

    And everytime I go to it keeps telling me that I can manage the blogs I’m subscribed to in the reader. Ah, no thank you if possible, as that’s probably only going to make things slower and less efficiant that way from an accessibility stand point.

  • And everytime I go to it keeps telling me that I can manage the blogs I’m subscribed to in the reader.

    That’s correct and is why @staff-blorbo advised you that you need to log out of to access this page properly.

    If you’re logged out, you’ll see a section of that page titled “Manage Your Subscriptions” where you can enter your email address and a secure link will be emailed to you where you can log in and manage your subscriptions the way you want


    Click the link that is emailed to you (and stay logged out of, and that will allow you to manage your subscriptions. Here’s a screenshot of what that page will look like:

    While it sounds like it might not make sense, you do need to be logged out of your account in order to access this legacy management page, otherwise the secure link that’s generated will redirect to your account.

    I hope that clarifies things!

  • Sorry, but screen shots don’t help. I’m too blind for them.

    That’s…..terrible. I stand by what I ranted about at the very beginning of my post. I really wish developers would stop trying to fix what isn’t broke.

    Do we know of any other features that they plan on making worse any time soon?

  • How does one log out? That doesn’t even seem to be accessible or at least I can’t find a button for it. Sighs.

  • To log out from your account go to and click on the Log Out button under your profile pic.

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