Help! I can’t get rid of this post!

  • I put a sticky post up the other day, to explain that i was halfway through modifying the look of my blog, and now i can’t delete it because i can’t find it in ‘Edit posts’.

    I’ve searched all my posts, inputting both the post title and a word from within the post. I’ve also gone down a few screens of the list at my wp-admin/edit.php page, in case Search wasn’t finding it for some reason.

    I can’t see that it would help, but i dipped into CSS and checked i hadn’t put it up as a widget originally (which i couldn’t have anyway because of where it sits on the page).

    I’ve searched the forums as thoroughly as i can, nothing seems to be here about a lost post. I’m sure i must be missing something obvious and making myself look stupid with this question, but i do need to delete this sticky post so i’m asking. Help please!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • That is an announcement, not a sticky post. Go to appearance > Vigilance options and you can delete it there.

  • Aha! When i got to the Options page i remembered being delighted to find you could do that… I’ll remember next time. Announcement removed – many thanx. :0)

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