Help! How to remove square that appear after clicking on menu item?

  • I am struggling to remove this square after clicking on the menu items. It also happens when I click on my social media icons. I really don’t like when it appears.

    My website is still private, but I would love to remove it before I go live.

    Can someone help me?

    Btw I can’t code, so I need some simple explanation :)

    Thank you!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there!

    We are unable to help because we don’t host your site directly on our managed hosting. Instead, your site is hosted with a different provider on a separate host, and we’re unable to access your site’s backend to take a closer look. But I can get you pointed in the right direction.

    The good news is that because your host uses the open-source variant of the WordPress platform (which functions differently than what we offer here on, help is available at the community forums here:

    The folks in the open-source forum are more familiar with these issues and are in the best position to help.

    I hope this points you in the right direction.

  • I am a little bit confused because I am really new at this. But is it because I bought my domain in Godaddy?

    What do I need to do to transfer to WordPress? Will I loose everything I’ve done on the website?

    Thank you for your help

  • Your domain can be purchased anywhere – GoDaddy, here at, or at any domain registrar and you can use that domain on the webhost of your choice including here at It all depends on where you want to host your site.

    When I pulled up your site, I see a “Coming Soon” page for WordPress sites hosted at Bluehost:

    But since you haven’t launched your site at Bluehost yet and if you do want to host your website here at instead, we can certainly help get you set up here!

    We have many benefits of hosting with us rather than elsewhere; because we’re a managed hosting provider, we take care of a lot of things for you like keeping your site up-to-date, security, backups, and other items. You can read more about the benefits here:

    Can you give us more information about your site – what kind of plugins, theme, etc. you have set up already? Once we have that information, we’ll be better able to advise how you can get started.

    Let us know if you have other questions! :)

  • @poorandcurious, if you’re interested in setting up your site here with us, we’d be happy to guide you. We just aren’t able to do a lot with WordPress installations at other hosts: it’s a lot more DIY than our services. Let us know.

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