Help customizing widget titles

  • I want to remove the little “spades” icons that appear near the titles of my widgets on my blog, using the Chateau template with the customization upgrade.

    I’d also love to change the font of the widget titles to a serif font matching the post title.

    I don’t know enough CSS to know how to do this myself. Any suggestions are appreciated!


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Is this the blog in question?
    Will you please link it to your username so it can be instantly located? It’s very easy to do. Here’s how to link your username to your blog in your blog Dashboard -> Users -> Personal Settings -> then scroll down to Account Details. Then scroll down to where it says ‘Website‘ select the URL for your primary blog and then save changes.

    P.S. I’ll flag this thread so it will be moved to the CSS Forum for you.

  • Thank you! Yes, that’s the blog. I’ll go under my personal settings and change that now.

  • You’re welcome. :)

  • I want to remove the little “spades” icons that appear near the titles of my widgets

    .sidebar-widget h1.widget-title:before {
    	display: none;
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