Help customizing the Argent theme

  • Hello,

    I really like the way the the Argent theme displays the pictures/themes horizontally- side by side. I wanted my blog posts to be displayed the same way but when I changed the theme, they’re displayed vertically, one bellow the other instead. How do I customize it to look like the way it is on the sample Argent site?

    Thank you!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi @lemondedani!

    I wasn’t able to load your site, but it does look like you might have pointed your domain away from and over to Godaddy. Are you hosting your site with them now?

    If so, there’s a separate Argent forum for sites :)

    The front page of Argent shows three featured pages, lined up horizontally, but the blog page where the posts are displayed is a vertical layout:

    Is that what you’re seeing?

    If so, you’d probably be better suited with a theme like Cubic, Baskerville 2, or Dyad 2 that have a built in post grid.

    There are other grid themes as well:

    That list is all of the grid themes – not just the ones that do post grids. Some will be page grids or portfolio grids for example. Check the demo site and locate the blog posts to make sure – and you can always open a thread to ask about a particular theme if you’re at all uncertain :)

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