help CSS for widgets and others

  • Hello,
    Two worries if you can help me.
    First side column top how to put in French “search” in “recherche” (French term for search)
    Then on the same sidebar some texts are not readable on the smartphone while on a computer or a tablet one can clearly see them
    Example with the category “categories”
    Question CSS I do not always understand how to do.
    Thank you for your help.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    I checked your site from PC and smartphone. I guess you are seeing “search” instead of “recherche” for your browser or OS computer/smartphone.

    For example, my computer has a OS in english, so I saw “search”. But in my mobile I saw “recherche”, because I asked the browser not to translate the site.

    The themes creators usually make self-translatable some pieces of text, so don’t worry, most of your public should be seeing “recherche”.

    To be sure, I highly recommend you to set your site in french, I you haven’t done by now. Go to the last item in the panel, Settings, and set french as your language.

    About the second worry, the things is you have navy blue as background, which does not interfiere with the text in sidebar in pc. But the thme create an overlay in white in the mobile look. So, to fix this you have three options: 1) Set the background in a light color and text in a dark color, 2) check if your theme have specific settings for mobile view and set there background in navy blue or 3) change the theme.

    I understand you would prefer keep the colors because they are the ones in your flag.

    By the way, you have a beatiful country. I would love to visit someday.

    I hope this can help you.

  • Hello,
    Thank you for your answer that will help me and I will check all this
    Yes France is a beautiful country to visit and you are welcome.

  • Hello again,

    In fact the langage in the administration is in French… But just this widget “recherche” is in english…

  • Hi Alexandre,

    I understand. This is frustrating.

    Some factors are involved in how the text is presented on WordPress websites: Site, browser and operating system language.

    Depending in how the theme was developed, many sections will be automatically translated to site language.

    Some other sections could depend on user language browser or OS.

    As I mentioned before, I saw “recherche” in my mobile because I have asked my mobile’s browser not to translate.

    Have you tried see your site from somebody else’s device?

    So, I can tell you, most of your readers are seeing “recherche” instead of “search”. But if you want to be completely sure, I guess you should try another theme. It’s your call.

    You are most welcome to ask whatever you need. Hope this can help you.

  • Ok thanks for all I think , as it was before, I need to find a css code to change that because it is a special widget “recherche” and before with the same theme it was really in french.
    best regards

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