Help! Columns aren’t working!

  • Hello!

    I am trying to put columns on a wordpress site that are centered on the page (two columns of text). No matter what column plug-in I use, they always end up stacking on top of each other instead of side by side. I’ve tried it on my personal blog (listed above), and on the site I do for my volunteer job (which currently uses the minamaze theme). Is it the theme causing the problem or something else entirely? Any advice would be great!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hey there, would you link to the specific page or post that is supposed to have columns? I’m not seeing attempts at columns on the site you linked.

    One thought too: in many cases, if two columns won’t fit on the screen (like if you’re looking at the site on a phone) they will collapse to one. But again, I don’t see columns on the site above, except in one small gallery.

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