• I cannot login to my wordpress site. It keeps login in as kimk213, but when I got to my site, it says

    [01-Aug-2014 15:46:20 America/Chicago] PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function site_url() in /home/annepapp/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-file-upload/lib/wfu_constants.php on line 3

    and there isn’t an option for me to log in, etc.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • What is the link to your site, starting with http://
    so we can take a look.

    It appears that you actually have a site hosted by WordPress.ORG rather than one hosted for free on WordPress.COM. This site is empty
    but you may be confused about the different types of WordPress or perhaps using the site for jetpack.

    Differences between wp.COM (free) and wp.ORG (paid hosting w free software):

    Try asking for support here:

    The two platforms are different and we can only answer questions about the free wp.COM free sites on this forum.

  • has been deleted. The message shown when you click on the URL indicates that the site was deleted by the author(s).

  • That deletion must have happened as I typed! If it was being used for Jetpack, then there will be problems with that.

  • A site hosted by WordPress.ORG obviusly.

  • Exactly what galois said. My wesbite is the… and i don’t know how to fix that..

  • A site hosted by WordPress.ORG obviusly.

    It may be obvious that is hosted by, but how is it obvious which website, of the three linked to the member either here or on the member’s forum profile page, was being referred to?

    1. The website logged into by the member in order to use the support forum,
    2. The account website, still representing the member on the forum profile page despite having been deleted.

  • @musicdoc1
    This is never a message a WordPress.COM user would receive:

    [01-Aug-2014 15:46:20 America/Chicago] PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function site_url() in /home/annepapp/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-file-upload/lib/wfu_constants.php on line 3

    That is the big clue that the Original Poster is asking about help for a self-hosted WordPress.ORG site.

    I did ask for an actual link, but from that message he or she received it is clear that the problem is not one we can help with in these forums. Best to direct them (him or her) to the forums where help can be provided ASAP.

    Also, lots of folks don’t realize that there are different flavors of WordPress, so the info about vs is useful, helpful, and ultimately directs the person to the forum which could help resolve the problem.

  • @kimk213
    To be clear, we’d love to help you here, but the software is completely different and our answers would not apply to your situation.

    Try asking for support here:

    If you have never logged in to the forums on wp.ORG, then you’ll need to set up a new username and password in order to access their forums. It won’t be the same as you use here on wp.COM, nor will it be the same ones you use to access the admin for your self-hosted site.

  • @musicdoc1
    Actually, to be clear, this site has not been deleted; it is only empty:
    The OP could be using that account on WordPress.ORG for JetPack plugins—he or she does not need a website here, only an account, but having a website is fine…
    info here:

    edited to add: could be the JetPack account—OP does not need a blog on—just an account…

  • Actually, to be clear, this site has not been deleted; it is only empty:

    I never said, nor hinted, that might be deleted. That it lacks published posts and page is something I noticed immediately. I didn’t even refer to the that website in my first message. Rather, I twice said above that has been deleted, and it is.

    [01-Aug-2014 15:46:20 America/Chicago] PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function site_url() in /home/annepapp/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-file-upload/lib/wfu_constants.php on line 3

    is unrecognizable to me. So I was asking what about this message indicates that it is necessarily associated with a site. Not questioning that you could recognize it to be so, or that Galois could.

  • @musicdoc1
    No stepping on toes intended. ≥^!^≤

    But the message with “Call to undefined etc …” and references to plugins is clearly something we’d see on a .ORG site. Also the “constants php” well, and “fatal error” Never on a wp.COM site.

    Sometimes a wp.ORG user will have a blog hosted on, on the same account they use for access to JetPack—don’t know how usual that is?? And if you have a JetPack account for wp.ORG one mostly doesn’t have to access it directly and one does not need to have a blog here for JetPack. I only checked the one link, the blank blog. That often happens because so many people, even those I’ve explained in detail to, don’t understand there are different WordPresses… That’s why I also asked for a link to the site with the problem.

    edited to say, lots of time people don’t remember how to access their so they just start another (blank) blog… lots of passwords for different things…

    I hope that made things clear for you?

  • Hey! Have a lovely holiday season! :)

  • Thank you. Best wishes to you and yours. Especially your toes.

  • This is never a message a WordPress.COM user would receive:

    [01-Aug-2014 15:46:20 America/Chicago] PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function site_url() in /home/annepapp/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-file-upload/lib/wfu_constants.php on line 3

    That is the big clue that the Original Poster is asking about help for a self-hosted WordPress.ORG site.

    Have a great day, folks.

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