
  • Hello,

    I have some things to fix on my website and I can’t find where to fix them. If you have time to help me I would be thankful.

    Here are questions:

    1. How can I make menus clickable only on final subcategory not on whole category.
    2. Where can I change my tax to be shown with percentage (%) not with price
    (on picture shown ‘vključuje 5,77 € davek).
    3. When you browsing products on shop page, how can I make that products fill the empty space after filters (shown on picture 3. with red color).
    4. How to change language or translate by myself pages like checkout, wishlist… (shown on picture with red color).
    5. How do I change on shop page the default background and the title.
    6. How to change color filter design to be shown with text not with circles.
    7. When searching if the product isn’t found, at the bottom of page (not found products page), we can see 6 buttons that I don’t know what they do, when I press them, nothing happens. *Only on not found products page*. (Picture 7.)

    Thank you in advance… Yes
    Jetpack: Yes
    Correct account: Yes

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to moderators and staff)

  • I see that the site is a self hosted version of WordPress. We’re only able to assist with sites hosted at You can refer to the .org forums to see if you can get assistance from there.

  • The topic ‘Help’ is closed to new replies.