Hello World D:

  • When I opened the wordpress.com page with all the freshly pressed stuff on it, there appeared a tiny white bar above the usual grey wordpress bar where you sign in.

    In this tiny white bar were the words “Hello World D:” It was only on the Freshly Pressed page, no other wordpress pages or non-WP sites.

    Did someone just hack into WP’s main page? It’s disappeared now, but just wondering if there’s a problem at WP.

  • Hi. Check again if it’s still doing that. I’ve seen mysterious messages appear before and they dissapeared just as quickly. My best guess is that staff is testing features, but of course, the only way to confirm is to contact them…


  • We are indeed working on a new feature and this appeared in under the Admin Bar for some people for a few minutes.

    Nothing else to see here. (Other than to guess what we were working on, of course.)


  • Is it possible that whatever it is y’all are up to is the reason why the “My Blogs” names aren’t refreshing to their new names in the Admin Bar? I updated two private blogs today, but not only the Admin Bar refuses to refresh, but also under “Manage my blogs”. When I check the blogs themselves, they both show the updated title correctly.

    I’ve tried three different browsers, clearing the cache and cookies, even restarting my computer, but the blog names refuse to budge.

  • thanks for letting us know Markle!

  • @justjennifer
    Have you had a Staff response yet?

  • Sorry tt, didn’t see your query.

    In the end a cache must have cleared out somewhere and the new blog names started showing up both in the Admin bar and the “Manage my blogs” page.. However, it did take a few days for it to happen.

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