Heading color won't change to white on Masu theme

  • Hi all,

    I’ve never used WordPress before, so it could just be something I’m doing wrong, but I can’t seem to set the heading color of anything on my site to be white.

    For reference, I’m using the Masu theme. I’d like to use it to make a photo blog, with the main page having a white background, and each post title that shows up in the grid of posts being white.

    I was able to easily set the background color to black, but even when I change the heading color to white, the text color remains black on the post title. Every other color of every other element will change except for the heading color.

    Any advice?

    Thank you!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there:

    I’m assuming you want them to show like this?

    If so, those post titles are technically links, not text. Since you’re only changing the text color and not the link colors, that’s why it’s not updating.

    To change this, you would need to upgrade to a Premium plan or higher that would give you access to the CSS editor, then you could use this CSS code to style those links to be white instead of black:

    h2.wp-block-post-title a {
        color: white;

    I hope that clarifies things! Let us know if you have any questions.

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