Headers not holding

  • I highlight text beneath an image and select HEADER 4. Save. It reverts back to a different Header. I tried changing it to every header possible and it holds the one selected (not sure which one it is)? Can you please fix? Had no problem until a few days ago… the site is nearlyninety.wordpress.com

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • **to be clear, it holds whatever a certain header, but not the header that I select. The header stays the same no matter which one you choose.

  • Hi nearlyninety,

    Can you share a screenshot of how the headers are appearing for you? This would be a huge help in getting to the bottom of the issue! If you’re not sure how to share a screenshot, you can use an app such as getcloudapp.com

    You can also try editing the links in the HTML editor. If you want to use Header 4, you can write this in the HTML editor:

    <h4>This is my header</h4>

    Let me know if you need any further help!

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