Header Menu Spacing

  • Hello helpful people,

    I’m pretty new to this and I’m trying to figure out how to fix the spacing on my menu on my home page. There’s only three items in it and there’s plenty of room, but for some reason my Contact item wants to slide down to the next line. Thoughts on how to get them all on the same line?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    Your theme only allows a certain percentage of the total screen width to be used by the menu, and on narrower screens this pushes your last menu item to a new line, even though it appears that there’s still enough space available. Technically there is, but your theme does not allow the menu to use that space.

    This isn’t something to fix, as that’s how the theme has been designed to work. It’s possible to override this by adding custom CSS to your theme, but that requires our Premium Plan.


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