Header image not appearing

  • The header image for PC is appearing normally, and when I zoom in the page with “Chrome” browser, the header has no problems, When I go to mobile, I find the menu is stick to the above of the page, No header image, I cleared PC’s and mobile’s cache, and I used a “Nibbler” tool to test my website and its preview has no header for mobile too …

    Theme: 2013
    Mobile phone: Samsung Galaxy Mini 2 – Android 2.3.6 – but, I tested on more devices of various types with no header too.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • The blog on phone didn’t have this problem when I started it, After a week, The area of header image was White, and then it worked, I changed the theme to Oxygen because It had better options but, I returned to 2013 due to the featured images size which is not the thumb on facebook.com, and after switching to 2013, The problem happened again.

  • Hi there!

    I’ve tested your blog on my mobile device and it appears that the way the theme was created, the header won’t show for smaller screens if you choose not to display the header text. If you do opt to display the header text, the header image will appear on any type of screen. I’ve gone ahead and turned on that option for you in Appearance -> Header in your blog dashboard.


    Can you check if the header image is now showing?

    If you wish not to display the header text, you can prevent this by purchasing the Custom Design upgrade, and make some adjustments via Custom CSS.


    I’d be more than happy to help you if you decide the purchase it.

    Let me know how you’d like to move forward. Thanks!

  • But, I used the header image without displaying text before.

  • Hi there!

    I’ve made a report of this and hopefully a dev could help us resolve the issue. I’ll let you know when I receive any updates. Thanks for you patience!

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