Header image does not display

  • My blog is at http://1969chriscraftroamer46.wordpress.com/about/
    There is a header image that has displayed just fine for months. But today I noticed that it does not display in firefox, chrome or IE. In my Dashboard, under Header Image and media library, the image displays just fine. But when I go to the blog pages, the image flashes for a second the first time I visit the page (in firefox, but not in chrome or IE), then the header goes black. From then on, even in firefox the header area remains black. Right-clicking the header box indicates there’s no jpg image present. I tried deleting the header image from my library and uploading it again from my computer, but I got the same result.
    Any thoughts as to what happened or how I can fix this?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • I checked using 3 browsers, there is no header image on your blog.

    Try uploading a different image just to test and see.

  • This is a new bug introduced by WP: the header image on Quintus won’t show if you hide the blog title & tagline.

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