Header font

  • The text in my header is not readable due to the color of the font. How can I change the color of the font only in the heading?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi @tinaepp, honestly with the dark and light background I don’t know that you’re going to be able to find a super readable header color. You can try going to Customize > Colors and trying on a few different palettes to see what I mean: if you go dark it’s hard to read the text over the dark part, and if you go light it’s hard to read the text over the light part, too.

    Would you consider using a darker background image? Or, you can change to a palette that would work with a lighter image. It’s just the combination of dark and light on your header image that’s going to give you trouble. If possible, I’d recommend using an image that has colors that are fairly close to each other, and possibly with a bit of blur or bokeh. That should make the text easier to read.

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