Header breaks on mobile | Disappearing Widgets

  • Hello,

    I’d like to begin by acknowledging that I’m not very skilled in website development, and I’m still in the process of learning. However, I have managed to set up most of my website. Unfortunately, I’ve encountered a problem when switching to the mobile view, and I’m having difficulty understanding the issue. Allow me to describe it in more detail:

    1. When I visit tomaspetruccello.com on my mobile device, the website appears to be functioning properly, which is a positive aspect. However, I notice a warning symbol in the upper left corner indicating that the site is not secure. While this doesn’t bother me personally, I believe that enabling SSL security or a similar feature would remove the warning. Nonetheless, this is not a major concern for me.
    2. However, what confuses me is that when I click on any category of my site (such as About, Contact, or Projects), the warning symbol disappears.
    3. Secondly, when I navigate to any other page on my site, such as About, Contact, or Projects, the menu displays the social links properly. However, on the main page, when I open the “hamburger” menu, the social links are not visible.
    4. To make matters worse, when I click on the “Return-to-home” button, which is essentially my name, the menu becomes completely broken. It displays both the mobile and website menus simultaneously, and the social links are also visible in this broken state.

    While the initial presence of the warning symbol doesn’t bother me much, I have a suspicion that it might be somehow connected to the issue I’m experiencing. It seems as though I have two menus: one that functions correctly initially but lacks the social links, and another that appears once I click on “Return to Home” but is broken and includes the social links.

    I hope that someone with expertise in website development will be able to assist me with resolving this issue. Thank you in advance for any help provided.

    Kind regards, Tomas

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    Apologies, but we can’t help with your issue directly because we don’t host tomaspetruccello.com on our WordPress.com managed hosting.

    To explain, we are a fully managed hosting provider and use a custom server environment that is optimized for WordPress, provides built-in security and performance improvements, as well as in-house support for your site questions. You can learn more about the performance and security benefits of our managed hosting here: https://wordpress.com/hosting/

    Because of the way we’ve optimized our service, we also use a customized version of WordPress that is different (under the hood) from what you use at your current provider. As a result, we do not have access to your site and are not familiar with the source of your issue.

    You definitely have the option to move your site to us so we can provide in-house help, and we offer a migration plugin that will help you move your site to our managed hosting in just a few clicks.

    Import using Move to WordPress.com
    3 min read
    The Move to WordPress.com plugin allows you to start migrating a self-hosted WordPress site to WordPress.com directly from the self-hosted site. Prerequisites The Move to WordPress.com plugin installed on your self-hosted WordPress site. All incompatible plugins deactivated on the self-hosted site. ✅ There is no need to create a site on WordPress.com before you get star

    Unfortunately though, as it stands now, we are not able to help since it is hosted elsewhere. I did take a little time to examine the source code of your site however, and can see it is using the Bjork theme.

    The issue you are referring to sounds like a display issue related to your theme. The good news is that help is available directly from the creators of your theme here: https://wordpress.org/support/theme/bjork/


  • Hello, I apologize for the confusion. I still have some difficulty understanding the concepts related to hosting and servers, but your explanation was clear and helpful. I appreciate your prompt response, and I will take your suggestion to seek assistance on the recommended forum. Thank you :)!

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