header background grey instead of white

  • I have a problem with my header – again – …
    I created one with a (definetly!) white background! :D
    But when I upload the picture as a header the white colour of it turns into grey as you can see when you look at my page.
    It shall just be white like the rest of the page..
    Hope that someone can help me. Thanks a lot!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    Try saving the image as .jpeg before uploading the picture and see if it helps.

    Thank you.

  • As JPEG format accommodate more colors. Also please reopen the file in Photoshop and make sure that the background color is set to pure white.

    Thank you.

  • Hi there,

    The theme is adding a linear gradient overlay to the header image.

    That can be removed by adding the CSS below to the customizer in My Sites > Customize > CSS.

    .has-header-image #hero-header:before {
    	background: transparent;

    Adding custom CSS is only possible with a Premium or Business plan.

  • @garysixtyeight
    thanks a lot, that would be the right solution for my problem.. unfortunately I only use the free version so I cannot use any plugins.
    But thank you!

    chaning the file into .jpeg didn’t let the grey colour disappear :/

  • Hi there – I’m having the same issue, but with my sidebar, on the Seasonal theme. I’ve been able to fix this a few times by adding the code to say opacity should be 0, but now that doesn’t seem to be working and it’s still showing up gray. Help?


  • @mollyseltzer: I can see that your site is hosted through a third-party company while we’re only able to provide full support for sites that are hosted here at WordPress.com.

    The fact that your site is running on the free software available over at WordPress.org may have been what led you here.

    The difference between the two types of WordPress (WordPress.com and WordPress.org) is a common and understandable point of confusion. If you’re unsure of the differences, then this guide gives a good overview:

    WordPress.com vs. WordPress.org

    As your site is hosted elsewhere, staff here at WordPress.com aren’t in the best position to help with further questions. Instead, I recommend either contacting your theme’s support team directly or posting to the WordPress.org support forum:


    Hope that helps to point you in the right direction!

  • @futterfight: Thanks for your feedback! Themes with header images do tend to add a grey overlay to help make the title and tagline more readable. I can understand why this isn’t always welcome, though, and have made a note of your feedback for the team.

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