Header and Page Format

  • Hello, no matter what theme I choose, my blog starts way down on the page. The space varies between 1-3 inches. I’d like it to be close to the top, like in regular websites. Could you advise? I’ve tried taking out the header and leaving logos out.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi,

    Hello, no matter what theme I choose, my blog starts way down on the page.

    I don’t find this to be the case on the front page of https://masterfulyou.wordpress.com/, with the P2 theme activated. Have you resolved the issue?

  • No, unfortunately. On all of the themes, the first post is almost 1/4 of the way down the page. The navigation bar is down about an inch from the top, the header that says Recent Updates is about 2 inches under that, and then the first post is almost 2 inches under that.

  • I don’t know why your posts page has the header “Recent Updates.” That title doesn’t appear on the posts page of the P2 demo, or on the posts page of my test site, nor does any title. Instead, the title of the most recent post appears rather close to the top of the screen on the posts page.

    I’m not certain, but it seems as though the large titles atop your homepage, archives pages, and static pages (see your “Physical Emotions” and “About” pages, respectively) may have been added through a customization, perhaps via one of the available theme options.

  • I can’t make any changes. I wonder if my blog is corrupt. Do you think I should delete and start over?

  • Even the preview of sites without my specific site information look like this.

  • Do you think I should delete and start over?

    No reason for such drastic measures. I’m sure we can eventually come to a comfortable, relatively painless resolution of the issue. I’ll tag the topic for staff attention. Please wait for a staff member to respond.

  • Hi there,

    Can you make a screenshot of what you see when you view your site? You can upload screenshots to your Media Library under Media > Add New in your dashboard, or you can use an online service like Snaggy.

    That will help me understand exactly what you are seeing there so I can help you with this.

  • Hi Rachel, thanks to you too for reaching out:) I’ve attached a link to share the image. If it doesn’t work, I can try something else

    It just seems like the post is so far down. Is it possible that this is normal?

  • Hi there,

    That does look strange. Here’s a screenshot showing what I see in my Chrome browser when I look at that page on your site: https://cloudup.com/c0sJpolXqcF

    Do you have any browser extensions installed in your Chrome browser? Some extensions can interfere with how your site looks. You can view and manage your extensions by opening this link in Chrome:


    If you have another browser on your computer, please also open your site in that browser to see if it also looks funny there. That will help confirm whether it’s an issue specific just to that browser.

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