Header and Footer showing up in edit mode, but on on actual site

  • Hello.

    Since today, upon updating the gallery page on my website, both, the header and footer have gone missing from all of my sub pages although no changes were done.
    Since they both still show up in edit mode, I tried updating them without any actual changes, but they remain invisible on any browser.
    Updating the custom CSS and/or removing it to make the header non-sticky did nothing.

    Having clearance on this would be really appreciated.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    Go to Appearance > Editor, clock the Header and Footer Only drop-down at the top, and then select clear customizations.

    If there were any accidental changes made to the header or footer, clearing the changes from the affected pages may solve the issue. Let me know if that works for you.


  • Hello there,

    Thanks for the quick help.
    I now looked at the site, and the header and footer were there again all of the sudden, without any changes done to the website.

    I will remember the tip with clearing changes forthe future, though.

    Many thanks!

  • Glad that it got sorted out!

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