Have I deleted my blog site?

  • Just checking that I have not deleted my blog site by mistake. I have four blogs, but only want to keep one. I was trying to delete the others, but I might have deleted them all. How can I tell if I’ve done this or not.



    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    You can click on URL links of all your blog site and check which one is deleted and which are not.

    Once which are not deleted will be active. For eg: nightingaleclassblog.wordpress.com site is not deleted as you can see all the data of your website.


  • Hi there, hope you don’t mind me adding something here.

    When you delete a site you registered here on WordPressdotcom, you should also receive an email confirmation from WordPressdotcom of the deletion. If you accidentally delete the wrong site, you can let us know in this thread or respond to the email you received. It’s only possible to recover a deleted site within the first 30 days so make sure you let us know ASAP after that happens, if it happens.

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