have blog can I start new one?

  • I’ve been thinking for quite some time of starting a new blog on the many ways a family can cut back in these rough times. I’ve got quite a few ideas and I think people could use them.

    At the moment I’ve got a political based blog that I’ve been thinking of completely deleting since it isn’t doing so well anyway. Plus I simply don’t have the time to add content every since day and our politicians just won’t slow down for me.

    So my question is, can I completely delete one blog and start another one on a completely different subject???? If I can do this, how would I go about it. I would want a different blog name, different user name, on and on.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Forgot to ask if there would be any waiting time, need for a seperate email, or other requirements for ending one blog and starting a new one from the same computer???

  • going to give this a kick so it doesn’t get buried.

  • am really trying to get some advice or at least a couple of links where I can get info on this, been over two hours now, can someone help me??????

  • You don’t need to delete the first blog (and I would strongly recommend that you don’t). To start a new blog with a different user name, you’ll need to use a different email address to sign up with. This will keep the two blogs completely separate. Just logout from wordpress.com and follow the instructions on the home page (http://wordpress.com).

    If you don’t want to maintain the two blogs at the same time you could do a number of things:
    1. Just leave it as it is, so that it functions as a static archive.
    2. Make it private. This will mean that people can’t see it but if you ever decide to start using it again it will still be there.
    3. Delete it. This is NOT REVERSIBLE. You will not be able to get the blog back and neither you nor anyone else will ever be able to use that URL again. Do not do this unless you are 100% sure that you will never want to use that blog address or blog again.

  • THANK YOU , THANK YOU,that is the kind of advice I was looking for. OK, I won’t delete the first one but as you advised I will simply make it private for now. Again, THANKS SO MUCH FOR THIS ADVICE!!!!!!

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