Has anyone ever lost the Wikipedia link capability in posting?

  • I’m not sure where to look or what to ask. Previously when I posted, as I typed, links to Wiki would pop up at the bottom. Perhaps they were related to something called Zemantac (?). Now I don’t have this. I liked being able to link to a Wiki site. Also, when I tried to type in a tag, nothing connected in my blog post. Perhaps there is an easy answer to this…?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Howdy,
    We removed that feature last week after ending our business relationship with the company that provided the option. We have a bit more about it on this thread:


    Our goal is to provide the best, most transparent, editing experience and, for a variety of reasons, felt that it was needed to develop our own tools internally. Thanks for your patience and please let me know if you have any other questions.

    Regarding the tag, can you send me a link the blog post? Do you mean a previously used tag wasn’t suggested?

    I’ll comment on your comment, but agreed on the Hobbit. I just finished reading the book for the first time in 15 years before watching Part 2, which soured the experience for me :-(

  • Well, I’ll just have to live without it then. I’d vote for bringing it back, if there was ever a poll about it. I think I’ve grasped the tagging thing now, but thanks for offering to look at it. I’ll look at your zemanta link now.

  • I guess installing zemanta is not hard; I’ve already done it, so we’ll see how it works now.

  • My understanding is it should work virtually the same as before. If anything comes up, of course, let me know.


  • Hi—this seems to be working as before. However, I sometimes see a list of tags at the bottom of my posts, all in one group. Other times, it isn’t there. I like the groups of tags listed at the bottom. Is this something I can activate all the time? Sorry to keep asking such weird questions…

  • Howdy again. Not a problem at all. Throw whatever you can at me :-)

    To make sure we’re on the same page, you mean these: https://cloudup.com/cHIkn0MvnZr

    They’re displayed whenever you’re on the actual post’s page (e.g. http://halflingsandmonsters.wordpress.com/2013/12/21/my-cookbook-is-now-available-on-the-amazon-kindle/ ). When you’re on an “archive” page of any sort ( your home page, a category page like http://halflingsandmonsters.wordpress.com/tag/hobbit/ , a date-based one like http://halflingsandmonsters.wordpress.com/2013/12/ ), it’ll hide the tags and categories to help keep the view tidy.

    Each theme can do these differently, though there isn’t a way to add the tag/category listing when it doesn’t already appear.

    (Picard? I liked him, though, I’m a Sisko fanboy. May just be that I finished rewatching DS9 recently. Haven’t watched TNG in quite awhile).

  • Yes, I see my blogging newbie-ness is still tripping me up. Apparently, these tags are visible to other people.

    My latest quest is to find a way to ‘grandparent’ a page post, not merely ‘parent’ a page. I saw someone’s blog that had:

    Grandparent (Recipes)

    Parent (salad/soup, etc…)

    Child (chef salad/pea soup, etc…)

    I have Recipes, then I have each single recipe listed as a single page. If I keep up with all of this, eventually I can see navigating the Recipe section could be become quite a chore. Have been fiddling around with menus, but can’t seem to achieve this. Is it a possibility with my theme?

    (I was very impressed with the complete story arc of DS9. I might even make a case for that particular show to be the best of all the Treks. A few years ago, I finally got around to watching all 5 series. Although Picard is my favorite, I’d rank Sisko, Janeway, and Archer in close second, with Kirk as third…but I love it all.)

  • Sure thing—on the page itself, you can set the “Parent” as the Child of the previous Parent, e.g. set Pea Soup to have a Parent of Soup. The Soup page’s Parent would Recipes.

    As for the menus, you can have a second sublevel by dragging a “child” just a tad to the right of where it would line up. It’ll allow you to stick it “under” the previous element.

    For recipes, it may be more manageable long-term to have them as Posts instead of Pages, since you can categorize and tag them.

    To help keep your home page clean, you can use “Sticky Posts” for news items, so new recipes wouldn’t show at top of the home page, if you don’t want them to.

    As an aside, have you seen our new Recipe shortcode? I don’t think we’ve officially announced it yet: Recipes.

    (I do think it was the best dramatic series. In a way, too, it was a pioneer in that line of scifi shows. Everything has to have a very detailed interconnected story arc now…thinking Stargate SG-1’s first seasons compared to Stargate Universe… but that’s for a different franchise ;-). I’m working backwards starting with Enterprise, then VOY, then DS9, etc of watching them all, since I realize I’ve skipped episodes here and there before, and catching some of the “relaunch” novels. Kirk is my least favorite, but they’re all great characters.)

  • Well, you’ve given me a few more things to ponder and play with…next post, I’ll see what I can do. Thanks for your patience and advice!

    (Fan of the new movie series and its new storyline?)

  • Anytime!

    I’m enjoying the new movies. Since I was never a fanboy of the TOS, I’m okay with them moving it in a different direction and enjoy seeing the connections where they lie. It would be interesting to see, if they continue the new storyline long enough to hit where other series are concerned, how they handle all of that.


  • Okay, I’ve reorganized my pages, so now the blog is more streamlined. I was just thinking what a nightmare a blog could become if you don’t organize things! I’ve been seeing some crazy blogs, now that I’m doing this… So thank you for helping. I’ll have to look at the recipe shortcode stuff later.

    I also like the new movies and the old ones. It’s just all good, in general.

  • I morphed my website into a blog back in 2002 without a thought of how to organize it. 12 years later, I’m still thinking I need to go back in and move everything around :-/


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