HARMONIC – not scrolling on portfolio projects (on ipad)

  • Sorted. And the mobile menu now works on the iPad, but the individual projects (when opened) still won’t scroll on that device.

  • And the mobile menu now works on the iPad

    Great, thanks for confirming.

    the individual projects (when opened) still won’t scroll on that device.

    Our developer will be looking at that bug ticket as well, we’ll keep you posted here.

  • And thanks for restoring the footer credits.

  • We think we’ve squashed all the bugs with scrolling through portfolios and individual projects in Harmonic on the iPad. If you still run into any trouble with it, just let us know. Thanks!

  • Great stuff. Yeh, all seems to be working now. Thanks Kathryn.

  • Kathryn: any movement on sussing the mobile issue? On the phone I mentioned earlier in the thread, the menu still doesn’t work on the front page (and the image still doesn’t load) which renders the site unusable. It was dandy on the previous theme. I’d rather not switch the site to ‘mobile version’ (or whatever it’s called) if possible, because it looks a bit medieval. Any thoughts?

  • Glad the scrolling is now working as expected.

    Kathryn: any movement on sussing the mobile issue? On the phone I mentioned earlier in the thread, the menu still doesn’t work on the front page (and the image still doesn’t load) which renders the site unusable.

    Hmm, I was under the impression that the mobile menu issue had been fixed, since the last thing you said regarding that was:

    Sorted. And the mobile menu now works on the iPad

    Was that not actually the case?

    Two of our developers checked the menu on both iOS 8 and iOS 7, on both Safari and Chrome, and the mobile menu worked every time.

    Regarding this:

    (and the image still doesn’t load)

    I don’t think we’d discussed this one before, so could you please specify which specific image on the front page isn’t loading on the iPad? Thanks.

  • Regarding the menu issue, I think there may be some confusion between issues on the iPad and issue on the Android phone.

    The last thing I’d asked you about the phone issue was:

    Thanks for the phone details – we’re nearly there. :-) Could you please upload a screenshot in your Media Library?

    Here’s how if you’re not sure: http://lifehacker.com/5994516/how-to-take-a-screenshot-on-android

    Could you please go ahead and take a screenshot of the remaining Android phone issues, such as the missing menu and image so we can get it looked at by our developers? Thanks.

  • Sure – the theme on iPad/iPhone now work fine. The issue is still with Android phones, namely Samsung. I have no lead for my phone so I can’t transfer screenshots. The problem is straightforward: the site loads on the screen, minus the front page image. What you see is the site title banner across the top (as per normal) and then underneath is just a white screen. The menu itself is presented as a small box to the far right of the header bar. The menu box does not work, on my Samsung, or my friend’s, which makes the site impossible to enter. And also, although the theme details state ‘mobile friendly’, the front page doesn’t naturally minimize to fit the screen. These issues suggest there is a glitch with the theme where Android phones are concerned?

  • Hello again Kathryn… scratch all that about the android front page appearance (my bad, not got it set up on front page template, oops) but still the menu box doesn’t work on the android mobile (on the front page).

  • Thanks for confirming the remaining menu issue. I’ll pass it along to our developers so they can have a look. Since Android 2.3.6 is a relatively old Android OS, providing a patch for Harmonic, a relatively complex theme, may not be something they will pursue, but we’ll find out and I’ll keep you posted.


  • Another alternative you might want to look into is activating the mobile theme, under Appearance > Mobile:


    This would display a simpler version of the site on small mobile devices like phones, and would be more reliable on older mobile operating systems.

  • Hello, I’ve just builded my new web site (http://martindesilets.com) using the Harmonic theme. Beautiful theme, and it also works perfectly on my Samsung phone.

  • Glad to hear, it Martin! Nice to see how you’ve used Harmonic and even made it bilingual. Félicitations.

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