>500 pixel main columns themes for Flickr

  • I think it’s great that you offer a Flickr widget, but many Flickr users are finding it difficult to find the right themes that won’t crop Flickr’s largest blogging photo size of 500px on a single line.

    You may want to put designations on your current themes to denote which ones can handle the large photo size without cropping and work to ensure that additional themes with larger main columns are offered in the future.

    Here is an example of the conundrum that we’re facing. Frankly, the WordPress photo upload needs some work. I don’t like to use it at all.

    [Link fixed – drmike]

  • A number of themes will fill the entire browser window. The Andreas themes for example. Also Ocadia, (I think) Pool, Sandbox, Silver, Almost Spring, and others. You may want to try one of theses. Also, with the CSS upgrade, you can modify most column widths. (I say most since you may wind up breaking the theme graphics and have to deal with those as well)

    Staff has mentioned many times in the past that they will not put descriptions on the themes because they would confuse some folks. Also they have mentioned that they want users to try the different themes to see what they like, not just go off some list.

    There is someone here in the forums doing a theme review that you may want to search for and offer your assistance if you want.

    Your best bet would be to submit a feedback from your dashboard with this suggestion but chances are staff will pass on it. I suggested demo sites myself awhile back and have them up on my own WPMU site but staff didn’t agree on the idea.

    Hope this helps,

  • Hi,
    I’m glad you’ve addressed this issue as I’ve been struggling with it. I’d been using Blix, which cut off the side of the 500 px wide images. Then I switched to Kubrick when you added the custom header option. I thought at first it was accepting 500 px wide images, but it was actually squishing them to fit, which made for jaggy lines and unreadable type if there was some in the image. I looked at the ones you listed and switched to Pool, which was the only one that had an option for a custom header. You said “and others.” Could you please tell me which others?

    Also, with the CSS upgrade that allows column width changing, how hard is that to do–do you give instructions for doing it, and what does it cost?
    Jana Bouc

  • It’s $15 a year per blog and it’s a matter of editing the widths within the CSS file. Took me all of two minutes on my webcomic although I did have to redo the images in the header, background, and footer to make them fit.

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