Grid & Sidebar

  • I would like to post my blog using the grid template and the sidebar, but it does not look like I can do that. It seems like the grid template is only for showing other pages under the main page.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi,

    I would like to post my blog using the grid template and the sidebar, but it does not look like I can do that.

    That’s right, it’s not possible. All page templates, such as the the Grid Template are optional templates available on some themes that can only be used on static pages.

    It seems like the grid template is only for showing other pages under the main page.

    Pages assigned to the grid template need not be displayed or linked to on or “under” the main page.

  • What do you mean by using the sidebar for posting your blog? It is possible to provide links to your posts in any of the seven widget areas available on the Edin theme, including the optional left or right sidebar widget area.

    Among widgets that are frequently used to list posts in a widget area are the following: Archives Widget, Categories Widget, and the Top Posts & Pages Widget.

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