Grid page, Edin theme, default text

  • Hi again,

    How do I edit the default text which is shown under each image on my grid page “Self-catered-chalets”

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi, the excerpt for the child pages on the self catered chalets is pulled from that page. If you notice, the first four works are

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    which is the 4 buttons you have at the top of those pages. You can override this behavior by adding your own custom excerpt. Open each of those page in the page editor and scroll down below all the content and you will find the Excerpt Module. Create a Custom Excerpt to go in there and then update the page.

  • Hey sacredpath, thanks for that, but it would appear that the Edin theme does not support excerpts :(
    So I read the manual, and have inserted <!--more--> (below the bullet points on page Chalet-Aventure for testing) as I would like to display the 3 bullet points, formatted as bullet points. Still of course seeing the text from the buttons first though :(
    Thanks in advance,

  • Hmmm, I set the front page to the grid template and then assigned some child pages to that and added custom excerpts to those pages and the custom excerpts showed up instead of the default first part of the page content. You can see it here:

  • so, I still can’t see an excerpts module, but I did mess around changing the page settings from not being a child, and the parent not being a parent and then back again, to try to force the module to appear on the edit screen, but it didn’t (I was using the blue screen, as that was what was shown in the manual). Somewhere along the line something took effect – I now have ‘undefined’ as the text on the self catered page under Chalet Aventure !
    Where do I go from here ??
    Thanks again, Mini

  • Oh :o(
    same problem on home page…..


  • If the excerpt module does not appear down below the main text area in the admin area page editor, click on Screen Options at the top right of the editor page and activate it.

  • Got it! thanks, all pages now suitably updated

  • Super, and you are welcome.

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