Gravatar won’t align

  • I can’t align my Gravatar. It stay left all the time. When I try to center it or move it to the right it does not move from the left position.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Apparently the alignment option in the gravatar widget doesn’t work. As I mentioned in another thread, you can use a text widget instead. The code for a centered linking image is this:
    <a href="BLOG URL HERE"><img class="aligncenter" src="IMAGE URL HERE" width="NUMBER HERE" /></a>

  • Hi, my gravatar aligned just fine yesterday to the right with the text positioned next to it, but this morning it no longer aligns properly. Photo is on left instead with text position in a funny way starting at the right edge of the bottom of the photo. I tried a second gravatar box, but same problem. I also took out the html (for bold and break) I had in the box, but not difference.

    I’m at

    Since it did work at one time, is there anyway to get it to work again without having to add code? It works with Inuit on other people’s blogs so why would it break just on mine?

    Thank you.

  • I remembered that I used the CSS editor yesterday on a trial basis. In theory, none of the code is saved. I wonder if this may have messed up the Gravatar widget, even though it was still OK later in the evening?

    If this might be the problem, would it help to change to a different theme and then change back to Inuit so the CSS has the problem code? Or is there a simpler way, if this is the problem?

  • This must indeed be the problem, because here is someone with the Inuit Theme who has edited his CSS in various ways, including removing the black background in the widgets, which is what I was trying and his gravatar is appearing the same way that it is now appearing in mine.

    I’m not sure how to fix this aside from possibly changing the theme and then changing back to Inuit.

    Any ideas would be appreciated.

  • The gravatar widget has a selector for alignment in it that we can simply click. I discovered yesterday that it didn’t work as my gravatar switched to left align and then to right align even after I set it for “center” alignment. I abandoned using the gravatar widget and made my own text widget and coded the alignment in and it’s working fine. (I do not have the CSS upgrade on my blog. )

  • If I read you correctly, it worked at first and then stopped working. That’s what happened to me. It seems strange that it suddenly stopped working. In my case, it might be my trial experiment with the CSS edit, but I wonder why that has happened for both of us.

    I will try the option of using the code above, I assume I just put ‘left’ or ‘right’ where it says center in the above code.


  • @Sandra

    If I read you correctly, it worked at first and then stopped working.

    The code that Panos posted above is not for CSS and it’s not for the gravatar widget. It’s for use in a text widget.

  • OOPS! Yes it worked when I first did it and then stopped working. I tried again and it stopped working a second time. I was already royally peeved off about the slow page loading times due to the bug hunting and the gravatar widget fiasco tore it for me. I created my own text widget.

  • @Sandra:
    • Yes, in the code I gave above you change “aligncenter” to “alignright”.
    • No, it can’t have been your previewing CSS changes. That’s an issue with the Gravatar widget itself: if you check the source code of the widget, you’ll see that it includes no alignment command at all.

  • Thanks Panos and TT. I reported this to support and they have turned it over to the Theme Team so perhaps the Gravatar alignment will be corrected. If not, I have the text widget box option thanks to you two.

  • The same problem with alignment also exists in text widgets. When I use “alignright” the text in the text widget I created to replace the avatar widget will not wrap properly. It will only do so when I use “alignleft”

  • Hi folks,

    We’ve now fixed the Gravatar Widget alignment issue.

  • Thanks Lance. It’s working perfectly now. WordPress is the best!

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