gravatar verified service

  • I am unable to add my blog as a verified service on my gravatar profile. The error message I receive says it failed to locate the XML-RPC API. There is no setting for remote publishing from my wp-admin Settings page. I am able to verify my vimeo channel as a verified service. How do I turn on the XML-RPC API setting? (It is not email publishing.)

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    I wanted to verify how you are trying to add your site to your Gravatar, as the error message you receive is usually related to sites. Are you going to My Profiles > Websites and adding the site as shown here?:

    Let me know if that is the case, and I will look further into this issue for you. Thank you!

  • Hi,

    I was unable to add my site as illustrated in your graphic at However, I was able to add it through My Profile at It does show on my public profile at Gravatar.

    I would still like to add my site as a verified service, if possible. Or, does it become unnecessary with it listed under “Find Me Online” on the Gravatar public profile?


  • Hi there, @rennaed!

    You can make sure you have your site linked at

    I am easily able to view your site by visiting your Gravatar profile at

    Additionally, you have your site linked in your profile here:

    You should be all set. :-) Your Gravatar account is connected to your account.

    I would still like to add my site as a verified service, if possible.

    Can you elaborate a bit more on this? You really shouldn’t need to do anything extra here. Visitors can easily find your site if viewing your profile.

    If you need any additional help, please do not hesitate to reach out.

  • In terms of adding my site as a verified service, it is the blue check mark icon next to my site … similar to that for my Vimeo site, which you can see on my Gravatar profile. When I try to verify my site, this is when I receive the error message as I indicated in my initial inquiry.

  • Thanks for clarifying. In this case, verified services is related to 3rd party connections you make to services we’re not related to directly, such as Vimeo.

    However, and Gravatar are fully integrated with one another (they’re owned by the same parent company and logins are shared) so the connection is “already verified” for lack of a better word. There is no need to add your site under the Verified Services setting.

    Hope that helps. Please let us know if you have any more questions.

  • It only matters to third party connections. I understand now. I appreciate the help. Thank you.

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