Gravatar Profile Pic Not Changing

  • So I haven’t been able to find this topic on the forums here, nor was it in the Gravatar FAQ, and apparently Gravatar’s “contact us” form is closed. I hope this is the right place to ask about this.

    Maybe some other folks have had the same problem, but over the last couple of days I haven’t been able to change my photo on Gravatar. The photo appears to upload just fine, it lets me crop it, but afterwards there is no option to select the photo as a profile picture. I waited a couple of days to see if it would refresh with the new picture, but it hasn’t. I also tried changing the picture on the latest versions of Chrome and Firefox, but the results were the same.

    Anybody have any ideas how I can make it work? Or any other suggestions? Thanks ahead of time.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • I noticed that you haven’t had any responses on this questions, which is actually kind of odd to me. I have been having the same exact issue. No matter how many times I try logging out and in or refreshing the page whatever.. I can’t get mine to show up either :( It’s depressing. I see everyone else’s images who comment on my posts whatever what not, but when I respond I get some boring image and not my own. I hope someone can help us out with this.. it’s ridiculous.

  • Hi there, @anduril42

    This happens sometimes, that you upload an image and then it isn’t selected once you crop it. If you select the image from your already-uploaded images it should work, though:


    I can see an image added for you, both in your Gravatar profile and displaying here in the forum. Where are you not seeing the image?

  • Hi,
    I have the same issue, but mi newly uploaded image does not show up on my already-uploaded images folder. I can’t understand what I’m doing wrong…

  • @giulialabrezza

    I can see two images uploaded to your account, here:

    Is the image you want to use one of those? If you want to add a brand new image, you need to go here:

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