
  • Hello,
    I am having an issue with the gravatar profile not being pulled into a profile that was created for me on another website. I have been able to pull my gravatar into other places successfully however I am having trouble here. There have been success with other team members that have been able to pull their graviton profile into our work website.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hey psantiagoortiz!
    A lot of times Gravatars have issues pulling in to other websites due to a mismatch of email addresses. Double check that the email address on your work site matches the one on your Gravatar. You can find more information about Gravatars not loading properly on other sites here:
    I hope this helps! Let us know if it’s still not working.

  • Thanks @gsmumbo, I believe it might be an email problem so I will wait until tomorrow to see if it hasn’t changed.

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