Got 600+ spam comments overnight

  • Hello, I just woke up to 600+ spam comments. They all were posted overnight and I have no idea how this could happen.

    I used to get a few every now and then, but this is a whole new thing. I have since installed and setup akismet and blacklisted a bunch of words but the comments keep coming in and put in the spam folder.

    While I am happy the comments are correctly flagged, I am wondering why all of a suddent my website got the attention of a bunch of bots.

    Anyone experienced it before?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    It looks like you are in the wrong forum. Your site is using the open-source software, you need to seek assistance from forums which can be found at:

    These forums are for hosted sites. The difference between the two is explained, here: vs.

  • niccologranieri · Member ·

    Hi there!

    Thanks for letting me know! I was certain I was in the .org forum.

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